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The Pleistocene Archaeology Lab (PAL)

The Pleistocene Archaeology Lab (PAL) is a new research facility in the Instituto de Historia- CSIC (Spanish National Research Council), at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS) in Madrid. It aims to promote research on the archaeology of human evolution, the Palaeolithic and the study of hunter-gatherer societies in the Pleistocene.

PAL is particularly active in field archaeology and research on the origins of technology. Field research includes archaeological excavations in East Africa and Spain, and PAL’s pioneering stone tool research involves studies in taphonomy, spatial analysis, lithic technology, experimental replications and use wear.

Field and laboratory work

PAL is designed to promote research on various aspects of Human Evolution and Pleistocene Archaeology, with particular emphasis on taphonomy, spatial research and stone tool analysis, and including technological/ typological studies, experimental replications and use wear studies.

Currently, PAL hosts archaeological collections from several Palaeolithic sites across the world. It also hosts an unparalleled experimental reference collection with original raw materials such as chert, lavas and quartzites from Europe and Africa.

In addition to primary research activities on the Palaeolithic and the archaeology of human evolution, PAL also offers expertise to commercial archaeology companies and public agencies, including impact assessment and excavation of Pleistocene deposits, and consultancy in the analysis and publication of Palaeolithic assemblages.

Our facility contains equipment that enable all steps of Palaeolithic analysis, such as dedicated spatial database infrastructures, 3D scanner, QR barcoding printers, photography equipment, binocular and 3D microscopes. Field equipment includes state- of- the- art total stations, portable microscopes, GPS and all the necessary hardware required for Palaeolithic excavations.


We welcome students wishing to gain hands-on experience with Palaeolithic archaeological remains via university agreements and the  Erasmus+ programme.

The main objective of the internship is to introduce students to projects run at PAL. Activities include, among others, morphometrics and imaging of the archaeological collections housed in PAL. As an eminently hands-on research facility, PAL activities provide students with a unique opportunity to work with Paleolithic collections of international relevance, and acquire first-hand experience of archaeological assemblages.

Consultancy services offered by PAL

  • Archaeological surveys and excavations
  • Production of 3D models of archaeological material
  • Mapping of archaeological sites
  • Study of traces of use and technological features in bone and stone materials.
  • Consulting on archaeology and geoarchaeology of Pleistocene and hunter-gatherer societies
  • Archaeological illustration
  • Outreach initiatives
  • Study of lithic assemblages of hunter-gatherers
  • Experimental study of prehistoric lithic reduction sequences

For further information please contact us